
It is often difficult to understand the expenses that were made in order to provide the food we put on our table. When industries and companies prepare, advertise, and package an item, scrutiny is often directed at quality and availability, rather than the ethics of how whatever is in question, is created. These behaviors eventually create a market where ethical consumerism is not the norm, thus becoming marketable.

Consumers should expect that their poultry and livestock are handled humanely regardless of how much more they paid. This is an aspect of quality that should be assumed as opposed to viewed as a luxury.

This campaign, Give a Cluck, is education centric in that it would provide its target audience with information that is not commonly known. Specifics such as what the labels on egg cartons signify and how larger unsustainable farms mistreat their chickens represent the focal point of this campaign’s mission. The overall goal is to generate a sense of urgency in those who may be interested. Action through education.
Give a Cluck
Brand Identity, Campaigns, Illustration, Typography, Print
© Nayon Kim 2024